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America might be mired in a Gulf War, but it’s golf that seems to be on the minds of the Bushites. Here’s the three-part story.
First comes George W himself. A reporter, noting that Bush hasn’t been golfing recently, asked if this important presidential development was related to Iraq. “Yes,” he solemnly declared. Furrowing his brow and working up his most sincere tone, he explained: “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander-in-chief playing golf… I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.”
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Well, that’s not much presidential solidarity with military families who’re having to make the ultimate sacrifice, and it’s certainly not on par with, say, having a president’s own family members enlist in Daddy’s war – but, hey, it’s a gesture.
Second, here comes Bush’s secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, shouting, “Fore!” On July 4th, Condi teed it up for 18 holes at the Congressional Country Club, and she gaily told the Golf Channel that, “I’ve been playing and playing a lot.” But wait, Condi, what about sending the wrong signal? Oh, posh, she breezily responded, “Cabinet secretaries and the president can all do exactly what they wish.” No sacrifice for her.
Third, look out, it’s George W again! Mr. Sincere just recently joined his parents and brother Jeb at the family compound in Kennebunkport for – guess what? – a golf outing. Apparently, though, this one passes Bush’s ethical test because it’s not just for play – it’s business. Indeed, for $5,000 a pop, Republican high rollers can enjoy a round of golf on Bush’s home course, with the money going to support John McCain’s presidential run.
So, children, what have we learned here? The lesson is that golfing by the commander in chief is disrespectful to our troops – unless its done for purposes of political fundraising.
“Bush And Father Do Golf Fundraiser For McCain,” , July 14, 2008.
“Olbermann: Mr. President, the war isn’t about you,”, May 14, 2008.
“Condoleezza Rice Has Been ‘Playing A Lot’ Of Golf During Iraq War, Not Willing To ‘Sacrifice’ Her Game Like Bush,”, July 7, 2008.