MOTHER NATURE LAWYERS UP: Happy Hour with Hightower at the Lowdown Chat & Chew Cafe with Alexis Bunten & Samantha Skenandore

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The Lorax speaks for the trees in Dr. Seuss books, but who speaks for them in real life? A revolutionary movement aims to surpass the corporate-controlled, business-as-usual model of environmental regulation, and give nature its own inalienable rights. It’s not a new idea– it’s centuries old and widely practiced among some of the most experienced environmental stewards in our country: Indigenous Americans– and is causing panic in the boardrooms of America. Join us as we chat with Alexis Bunten (Unangax̂/Yup’ik), Co-Director of Indigeneity programs at Bioneers, and Samantha Skenandore (member, Ho-Chunk Nation), lawyer and advocate, to learn more about rights of nature, and what other overlapping movements can learn from it.

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