ALEC'S Comeuppance

No one likes a smart aleck – or a stupid one, for that matter.

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Jim Hightower's Radio Lowdown
Jim Hightower's Radio Lowdown
ALEC'S Comeuppance

No one likes a smart aleck – or a stupid one, for that matter.

A really stupid one is called ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, which masquerades as an “educational” group that simply assists state officials with policy research. In fact, it is a corporate-financed, far-right-wing, political front group that writes and aggressively pushes anti-worker, anti-consumer, anti-environmental, anti-immigrant, anti-public, and other extremist “anti-The People” legislative proposals. ALEC’s operatives take these cookie-cutter bills from state capitol to state capitol, getting Republican governors and key legislators to introduce them – then ALEC helps organize astroturf campaigns to ram such ugliness into law.

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Gov. Scott Walker’s repressive agenda in Wisconsin is an ALEC product. So is Arizona’s war on Latinos, as is Florida’s murderous “stand your ground” shoot-em-up law. However, all of this led ALEC to get stupid. Its leaders got to thinking they were bulletproof, that they could shove this stuff down people’s throats all across the country – and the people would just accept it.

Wrong. In fact, stupidly arrogant. Not only have people rebelled, they’ve also organized and mobilized. Groups like Center for Media and Democracy, Color of Change, Common Cause, Occupy Wall Street, and People for the American Way have rallied grassroots people to hit ALEC where it really hurts: its pocketbook. Suddenly key corporate sponsors of this extremist organization were hearing from outraged citizens (and customers) – and now company after company is withdrawing their sponsorship. Among those recently declaring that ALEC just “doesn’t fit our business needs” are CocaCola, Kraft Foods, Mars, McDonalds, PespsiCo, and Wendy’s.

To connect with these various efforts, go to

“Embarrassed by Bad Laws,” The New York Times,” April 17, 2012.

“Reed Elsevier Joins Mass Exodus From ALEC,”, April, 13, 2012.

“ALEC Under Fire: Mars Joins Flurry of Corporations Withdrawing Support,”, April 17, 2012.

“Corporations Flee Right-Wing ALEC: Yet Another Win for Progressives,”, April 10, 2012.

“Another Blow for ALEC: Gates Foundation Withdraws Support,”, April 10, 2012.

“Wendy’s Is The Latest Corporation To End Its Membership With ALEC, Joins McDonald’s,”, April 12, 2012.

“Exclusive: McDonald’s Says It Has Dumped ALEC,”, April 10, 2012.

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