All of the Bush chickenhawks are currently flapping around the country trying to stir up some pre-election political dust to obscure their failure in Iraq. They're squawking that critics of their disastrous war are "appeasers" of terrorists.

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Jim Hightower's Radio Lowdown
Jim Hightower's Radio Lowdown

All of the Bush chickenhawks are currently flapping around the country trying to stir up some pre-election political dust to obscure their failure in Iraq. They’re squawking that critics of their disastrous war are “appeasers” of terrorists.

Never mind that Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, the Bushites are now trying to link their misguided war to the so-called “Good War” – the World War II fight against Hitler’s Naziism. BushCheneyRummy & Gang are crisscrossing America this election season to denounce war critics – especially Democrats – as being heirs to those in the 1930’s who opposed going to war with Nazi Germany, preferring negotiations, instead. Rumsfeld scolded those Democrats who’re now calling for a phased withdrawal of our besieged troops, wailing that the Democrats “seem not to have learned history’s lessons.”

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The problem with Rummy’s little political lecture is that he’s either ignorant of or is deliberately distorting our history. Yes, some American politicians argued then that the fascist threat was less important than the Soviet threat – but those pols were not Democrats! Instead, they were right-wing Republicans… like Rummy.

Also, that war against the massive forces of Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito, was thrust upon us – it was not a war of choice, not a war of ideological whim, and not a case of America invading another country, as Bush’s diversion into Iraq has been. And if Rummy would bother to check any history book, he’d see that it was a democrat – Franklin Roosevelt – who rallied and prepared our whole county to win that war. One more difference: all four of Roosevelt’s sons fought in World War II, unlike the enlistment age daughters, nephews, and nieces of George W, who have simply chosen not to be involved in his war.

This is Jim Hightower saying… The Bushites cooked up a war of lies, and now they’re trying to cook history to rationalize it.

“Neocons failed to learn their history lesson,” Austin American-Statesman, September 10, 2006.
“Rumsfeld Says War Critics Haven’t Learned Lessons of History,” The New York Times, August 30, 2006.
“In speech, Bush warns of risks in quitting Iraq,” The New York Times September 1, 2006.

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