We know that politics can make strange bedfellows, but who would've thought it would get as strange as Senator Rick Santorum?

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Jim Hightower's Radio Lowdown

We know that politics can make strange bedfellows, but who would’ve thought it would get as strange as Senator Rick Santorum?

At issue is the location of Rick’s bed – that is, where does he live? You would naturally assume that this Republican senator from Pennsylvania lives somewhere in the Keystone State, and indeed, Santorum lists a house in the burg of Penn Hills as his home. However,when the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette sent a routine letter to the senator’s home address, it came back marked by the Post Office as: “Not Deliverable As Addressed.”

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Why? Simple: Rick doesn’t actually live there. The house is vacant – no bed, no kitchen table, no curtains, no Santorums.

Instead, Rick, his wife, and their six kiddos are ensconced in the family’s real home in faraway Leesburg, Virginia. Perhaps he sometimes visits Penn Hills, but the fact is that Santorum does not sleep, eat, raise kids, or otherwise live in the house or town he officially claims as his home – nor, for that matter, does the senator from Pennsylvania even live in the state he claims to represent.

Bizarrely, when this embarrassing reality surfaced, Rick responded not with an explanation, but an accusation. He nastily attacked his Democratic opponent in this year’s senatorial race, charging that the Democrat had sent operatives to trespass on the family’s property. This charge turns out not to be true, but nonetheless, Santorum wailed that such trespassing “put our six young children at a serious safety risk.”

Wow, Rick has completely redefined “political absurdity.” First, there was no trespassing by the Democrat’s campaign and, second, the senator’s kids could only have been at risk if they were actually there – which they weren’t, since, of course, they live in Virginia, as does mom… and dad.

This Is Jim Hightower saying… Santorum is so strange that he’s not even bedfellows with the people of his state.

“Editorial: Nobody Home/ Santorum tries to cover his tracks on residency,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 26, 2006.

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