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Has today’s “jobless recovery” got you down in the dumps?
Well perk up, buster! What you need is a little treat, and I know just where you can find that perfect something to make you forget your troubles: the Neiman Marcus 2009 Christmas Book!
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For example, what’s better than a good meal and good conversation with friends to warm the cockles of your heart? Well, Neiman’s has it all arranged for you and a guest of your choice at the famed Algonquin Hotel in New York City. Not only will you be served gourmet delights, but you’ll be seated at the historic Algonquin Round Table with eight erudite and witty sparklies, including Nora Ephron, Henry Louis Gates Jr., and George Stephanopoulos. How wonderful is that? And the entire evening is yours for only $200,000. Thanks Neiman Marcus!
If that seems a bit pricey for a one-night experience, flip the catalogue’s pages to the “Jaguar XJL Supercharged Neiman Marcus.” Yes, the luxury carmaker has created a special vehicle exclusively for you catalogue shoppers. Only 50 will be made, so you’d better call now. The price, if you must ask, is $105,000 – but this includes a five-piece set of matching Jaguar Luggage! Isn’t that fun?
But maybe you’re one of those green shoppers. If so, here’s an item that’ll take your breath away: a five-foot long chandelier made of – get this – the bottoms of plastic soda bottles! A British artist scrounged 366 bottles from a landfill to make this masterpiece, which can be yours for $12,000. And think of the righteous glow you’ll get every time you flip the switch, knowing that you rescued 366 bottles from a landfill. Priceless.
Thumb through Neiman’s catalogue, and you’ll realize that hard times are nothing but a state of mind. I feel better just writing about it.