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Ah, love – a time of intimate talks, long phone calls, romantic dinners, and nonstop wooing. We can see these actions in the tender love story of Barack Obama. Not as a young man falling in love with Michelle, but as president, passionately pursuing his current heartthrob: Wall Street bankers.
Obama is in hot pursuit of the elite financial royals he’d once derided as fat cats. This spring, however, charmed by the heft of their bankrolls, he invited two dozen of the multimillionaires over to his house – the White House that is. Gathered in the Blue Room, they spent more than an hour with the president, who turned them on by cooing aphrodisiacal words that bankers can’t resist, such as “tax cuts,” “deregulation,” and “I love you.”
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After this snuggle session, Obama followed up with personal phone calls to Wall Streeters who’d not been able to attend. Also, to demonstrate the depth of his affection for these money powers, the president is making a special trip to their private lair in New York City, taking a group of bankers, hedge fund operators, and private equity speculators to dinner at Daniel, the posh Upper West Side restaurant. Hey, nothing’s too good for those you love.
Excuse me, but it’s embarrassing to see him kiss their sorry butts. These privileged princes of high finance crashed our economy, causing mass unemployment and hardships for millions of working class families. Obama bailed them out, let them keep their pampered positions, and allowed them to return to their reckless casino culture. He’s already done too much for them.
Obama claims that he needs Wall Street’s campaign cash to win re-election. But if he’d just stand up to these narcissists – and stand up for America’s workaday majority – he wouldn’t need their money, because the grassroots people would already be with him.
“Obama Seeks to Win Back Wall St. Cash,”, June 13, 2011.