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Pentagon chief Donnie Rumsfeld has finally amassed the level of troop strength necessary to win the war. Not the war in Iraq – his personal war to hang on to his job.
Faced with an extraordinary rebellion by generals who’re fed up with his military failures, as well as rising opposition from Republican congress critters who fear that he’s a dead-weight drag on their re-election chances, Rummy has mounted an all-out PR blitzkrieg to shore up his position. In a short span, he was everywhere in the media – including holding two press conferences, appearing on both Arab television and on Rush Limbaugh’s softball show.
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He even had to trot out George W, who said he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks (even the generals), he thinks Donnie is doing a heck of a job. “I’m the decider,” declared George, “I decide what’s best.” This is the same guy who once said “I’m a uniter, not a divider,” which turned out to be a lie. Anyway, he’s now decided that he’s “The Decider,” so Rummy gets to stay… for a while.
Rumsfeld himself dismisses his critics, scoffing that the generals calling for his dismissal are just spoilsports upset that he’s trying to “reform” the Pentagon. Come on, Rummy, these guys are not talking about the configuration of boxes on the Pentagon’s organizational chart – they’re talking about your dangerous and deadly ineptness at running a war that you got us into on false pretenses, then mismanaged. As one of the generals, the former chief of the U.S. central command, says of Rumsfeld’s leadership: “[In the run up to the Iraq war and it’s later conduct], I saw, at a minimum, true dereliction, negligence, and irresponsibility; at worst, lying, incompetence, and corruption.”
This is Jim Hightower saying… And that’s what George W has decided is best for America? It’s an important question, for BushRummy & Gang now are clamoring to put us in another war – with Iran.
“Here’s Donny! In His Defense, a Show is Born,” The New York Times, April 19, 2006.
“The Decider Sticks With The Derider,” The New York Times, April 19, 2006.
“The Fire This Time: A General’s Report,” The New York Times, April 18, 2006.