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In a faraway land, a long time ago, a civilization existed that was governed through a fairly rational political system. Even conservative candidates for high office had to have a good idea or two – and be quasi-qualified.
That land was the USA. It still exists as a place, but these days, Republican candidates don’t even have to be sane – much less qualified – to run for the highest office in the land. All they need is the backing of one or more billionaires, a hot fear-button issue to exploit, and a talent for pandering without shame to the most fanatical clique of know-nothings in their party. Also, they must be able to wall themselves off from reality so that facts and truth cannot deter them.
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Indeed, the GOP’s “One Great Issue” of the 2016 Campaign is: The Wall. Ted Cruz practically snarls when he declares again and again that he’ll “build a wall that works.” Marco Rubio is absolute about it – “We must secure our physical border with a wall, absolutely.” And Donnie Trump has basically built his campaign atop his fantasy of such an imperial edifice – “We’re going to do a wall,” he commands.
There are, of course, certain problems that you might expect them to address, such as the exorbitant cost of the thing, the extensive environmental damage it’ll do, and the futility of thinking that people aren’t clever enough to get around, over, under, or through any wall. But don’t hold your breath waiting for any common sense to intrude on their macho posturing.
Trump even made a TV ad depicting hordes of marauding Mexicans invading our country – proof that a huuuuuuge wall is necessary! Only… the film footage he used is not of Mexican migrants, but of Moroccans fleeing into Spain. But after all, when trying to stir up fear of foreigners, what the hell does honesty have to do with it?
“Finishing Texas-Mexico wall daunting task,” Austin American Statesman, January 2, 2016.
“Presidential candidates differ on border wall with Mexico,” Austin American Statesman, January 2, 2016.
“Donald Trump’s first TV ad shows migrants ‘at the southern border,’ but they’re actually in Morocco,”, January 4, 2016.